You may also wish to have graphical user interface (GUI) desktop for your server instead of a command-line only ssh terminal interface. To do this, you must install a VNCserver
install VNC server#
Download setup to the storage bucket we created
Download the setup files here: developerpiru/cloudservers
open SSH
you can see downloaded vnc server file in mount folder
cd mountfolder/path/to/where/you/saved/the/file
tar -xzvf VNC-setup.tar.gz
cd VNC-setup
install realvnc viwer in windows machine#
by creating account in realvnc we download and signin to realvnc
setup firewall in VM machine , so we can allow port or external IP#
Firewall normally wont allow vnc so it is necessary to create firewall rule to allow TCP 5901
search firewall rule in cloud account . create firewall rule and fill details . more important are Name (vnc-server) , tags (vnc-server) and TCP : 5901 server IP4 =
and allow save firewall
Go to VM machine instance
fill network tags = vnc-server
On your VM, start the VNC server with this command:#
vncserver -geometry 1200x1050 Note: the -geometry 1200x1050 flag is optional and you can customize it to any resolution you prefer
Open your VNC client (PuTTY or VNC Viewer) and enter the external IP address (not its local IP!) of your remote computer followed by the :5901 port. For example: You can find the external IP address of your VM by looking at your VM instances list.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
sudo reboot
check whether external IP working by typing#
nc externalIPAddress 5901
It has to show RFS 3:00 time